Monday, October 22, 2012


 I designed and produced this logo for a competition the college I was attending planned on hosting. I don't know if the competition is actually being held or whatnot.
 The Graphic Design club members were told to make a logo and out of everyone's' mine was chosen. The inspiration for the logo was some old floppy disks that I had cached in my dorm room. This logo was made in Illustrator. My professor took great interest in this logo and made sure it was high quality.

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Redesign website

Another project we had in my Graphic Design class was to redesign a company's image. I picked HyVee food stores as I was working in one at the time. I choose to change the target audience to be a grocery store for Kandi Ravers. I had made for this site several Flash .gifs unfortunately, they don't show up in my screenshots of the site.

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Personal Banner

For my graphic design class we had to make a personal website in Dreamweaver. My theme throughout my site was rainbows. This banner here was also converted into a navigation bar that when moused over one of the color boxes would flip to have text telling which section of my site to visit. The pictures are chronologically in order going down. Before I saturated each photo, one could see the changes in my hair color and styles.

Wednesday, October 3, 2012


I took this photo many, many years ago at the Border Waters between Minnesota and Canada. I was on a trip with my mother. I can't explain why, but I really do enjoy this photo I took. There is no real story behind it either. I was walking along and found these wild, pink flowers. I have done absolutely zero alteration on this image.

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Simple Website

Click on the image to see a larger version. Same goes for all images on this blog.

In our Graphic Design class we spent a semester working on HTML codes and the Dreamweaver program. For one of projects we had to get into a team and make a commercial website for an outdoors activities store. I cannot recall the original name of the store, but we had to use their products in our websites. We were allowed to rename our website. My partner and I both liked indie music and agreed that we'd go with an indie skateboarder design for the site. We picked the name "National" after the band "The National." On the homepage we have our favorite song done by the band embedded.

The navigation bar on the left are skateboard decks that flip over when one hovers their mouse of them. The background design is done by Bobsmade and was used with permission. We only had several hours to put this site together honestly. In the end we had a total of eight pages. Thankfully, all the links worked, everything was aligned correctly, and we had a vision and stuck with it.

The images here are screenshots from my computer using Firefox.