So, who am I and what am I about? I'm Joanna Foster of course! I'm, as you can see, a girl. Although I do tend to confuse older people when I have boy hair styles. I was voted "Most Unique" by my high school graduation year and I'm proud of it. Currently, I'm still in college. I'm in the middle of a transfer, but I intend to be taking classes come spring 2013.
I draw, play video games, sing quietly to myself, and the basic stuff like eating, sleeping, and breathing. I am employed as a clerk in a grocery store, but I model and do commission drawings when I can find work.
I'm about being original or being in the smaller group. I've been called a hipster and it's apt. I try to do things that no one has ever thought of before or the least used method.
I am an extremely quick learner with a memory better than an elephant's. These talents come extremely useful for whatever task I have been put on. Unfortunately, I'm also not too terribly confident in myself and shy away from people as much as I can. I will not deny; I do enjoy the spotlight, but only if it is positive.
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