Tuesday, May 14, 2013


This is a personal post. Though it does affect my works in a way. I don't know who or what I am some days. It seems my interests change every two days. A thing or topic enraptures me and I try to then base everything around it, but then the next thing comes along and I must pursue it as one pursues their soul mate. This may contradict all the effort I just put into the last passion or all the previous work will be abandoned.

Secondly, I can't even find a base to build my character around. One day I'm cute and childish, the next mischievous and outgoing, and after that I'm timid and reclusive. There is no one good word to describe me and the many facets of what could be considered my personality. I suppose it is easier to figure out what I'm not. I am not classy, strong, messy, or other adjectives. Sadly, the things I cannot be sometimes find themselves to be my interest. For example, I am into fancy parties one day, but I have no sense of what is refined or not.

I suppose what frustrates me the most is those conflicting interests. I blame this on the fact that my astrological sign is Gemini... Anyways, an easy way to say this is that I want my cake whole because it is pretty, but I also want to eat it too because it is delicious. I know the logical thing to do in this situation is take a picture of the cake and then eat it for the cake will not at its prime for either condition much longer than a week before it rots and whathaveyou. I will agonize over it, feel guilty about it, then completely move on as the next thing catches my fancy.

Perhaps one day I should go take some personality assessment tests. Perhaps someone telling me who I am will help. Unless that day I think myself a rebel.

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

My attempt at writing pt. III

“Just come in. Door's unlocked.”
Deadsun opened the door and walked into my apartment.
“You ready?”
“I just have to put my shoes on and I'm good.”
“Your car or mine?”
“Doesn't matter.”
“Fine then, yours.”
That's one thing I like about Deadsun. I am sort of very indecisive. She has an opinion and will keep everything going. Thanks to her we do not waste much time trying to make a decision.
“Where to then, Eve? And is your sister coming?”
“I said burgers earlier, so the closest burger place. Dawn is in the middle of a 'super, really awesome book' and won't be coming.”
So Deadsun and I walked out of my apartment. I made sure the door was locked before we got on the elevator down to the garage. All the way from my apartment to the fast food joint was silent. Deadsun was staring out at some distant point with a small smile on her face. She was probably watching cats. I shook Deadsun out of her browsing reverie when we pulled into the parking lot. We went inside as quickly as possible. It was well below zero degrees and neither of us were dressed for the cold.
The place was dead. There were two employes there. I always feel bad for those graveyard shift people. I gave an apologetic look as Deadsun moved to the counter to place her order. I placed mine and then we sat down at a table.
“Ok Eve, you were quiet the entire ride.”
“I was talking with one of my friends.”
“So your fire sorceress was kicking ass tonight.”
“You're mean. You know you and E-three did way better. You play way more than us.”
“Not as much as some of the other people in the company.”
“Then have you heard Technomancer's new song?”
“Oh yes! Heroics. The tune is super catchy. I'll look it up, but some sources say he has a hidden message in the song.”
“What? Really?”
“Just a minute.”
Deadsun's eyes suddenly glazed over as she accessed her internet. I decided to steal a pickle out of her burger while she was not entirely focused.
“Ok, it says here that he revealed a part of his name by sampling a bit from an old movie's soundtrack.”
“Huh? Is there any official word? That's some wild guessing otherwise.”
“No official word. Technomancer is extremely secretive about his identity. He might be an alien.”
“Pfft. Dude's just way better than old electronic dance masters at not showing face.”
Deadsun came back to reality and started on her burger. I bit my lip and snickered.
“Oh hell, what did you do to my food?”
“Nothing,” I said in my most innocent voice.
“Seriously. I'm going to get mad.”
I busted out laughing and then scarfed down the rest of my food before she could act out on revenge. The rest of the time at the burger place was spent with idle gossip and making faces at each other.

Saturday, January 12, 2013

My attempt at writing pt. II

[Company]AtomicApoc: Pi guys.
[Company]BionicBro: Pi.
[Company]ElectricEpoch: You've come back around
[Company]Faeriez: Hey girly. I sent you the potions you asked for. They should be in your mail.
[Company]AtomicApoc: Thanks. I wish it would stop snowing. It's been snowing for, like, 5 days now.
[Company]BionicBro: we live in MinneSNOWta. you should expect crazy weather.
[Company]AtomicApoc: Still... *whines*
[Company]AtomicApoc: The run tonight is at 7, right?
[Company]Faeriez: Yep.
[Company]AtomicApoc: Kk. I'm going to farm mats. If anyone needs anything let me know.

[Private]ElectricEpoch to you: Hey
[Private]to ElectricEpoch: Yes?
[Private]ElectricEpoch to you: Two things
[Private]ElectricEpoch to you: The hands you've been wanting dropped for me >;p
[Private]ElectricEpoch to you: And I saw you at the club again Saturday
[Private]to ElectricEpoch: Curses on both! You keep seeing me at the dances, but I've never seen you. Why don't you come over and say hi?
[Private]ElectricEpoch to you: No one in the company has seen me
[Private]ElectricEpoch to you: Even though we coincidentally mostly live in the same area
[Private]ElectricEpoch to you: Still, I have reasons
[Private]to ElectricEpoch: Aww, you shy?
[Private]ElectricEpoch to you: No
[Private]to ElectricEpoch: Then where are you hiding? In the crowd or up on the balc?

ElectricEpoch stopped responding to me. Wonder what his deal is. He is like my stalker, but we have quite a bit in common so it is all cool with me. I would like to know who he is. I know BionicBro. He is also known as “Steaksauce” in our little group partly due to his darker skin but mostly because he puts steak sauce on everything. He is “not” dating Causticlysm, my neighbor. They just spend a lot of time together and are “just friends.” Causticlysm's twin sister Deadsun shakes her head every time he emphasizes that. Faeriez, our company leader, is some 50 years plus old lady who sits at her home and plays Eden Lost all day. She says she wrote a book and made a killing so she never has to work. She also says she's been playing MMOs since before most of us were even born. I am only 25, so I would not doubt it. The five of us, BionicBro, Causticlysm, Deadsun, and ElectricEpoch, are all Psybs. We talk to each other with chat programs in our internal computers, chat in game, and see each other frequently. Except ElectricEpoch as I mentioned.
In my peripheral vision I could see that Deadsun was messaging me. I willed the chat program into my front vision so I could see what Deadsun wanted.

[Dd]: Emily, is there a run tonight? All the recent holiday stuff has me and my sister messed up.
[AA]: Faeriez says it's at 7.
[Dd]: O ty
[Dd]: Are you down for burgers after the run? Or is your fridge full or Giftmas leftovers?
[AA]: Oh, it's full, but I'm so sick of reheated ham and stuffing.
[Dd]: I'll kick down your door when we're done. :P
[AA]: See you then. :3

After that exchange I thought about exiting the program. I do not care for people messaging me when I'm doing runs. It is embarrassing when my parents try to talk with me and I accidentally blow them off. I can still only focus on one thing at a time. Psybs are still human. We just have a computer to help us 24/7. Perhaps we are less than human?
01001100 01100001 01110100 01100101 01110010
The run went smoothly. I did amazing as my ranger; however, ElectricEpoch did better with his assassin. As always, he lightly gloats about it when we're done. Everyone else did pretty good too. I wished everyone a good night before exiting the game. Not even 30 seconds later I heard someone actually kicking my door. I did not expect her to really do it this time.

Thursday, January 10, 2013

My attempt at writing pt. I

BBlog: March 21, 2039.
This is my first post from my new brain. I got the operation several weeks ago. The one where they insert a computer in the "dead" section of a person's brain. I have just came out of the coma and now learning how to use the system. Not having a keyboard, monitor, and all that is kinda weird. Accessing the internet from my head is the greatest thing ever though! I can hit Go Plex or EncycloNet from just about anywhere. The developers were right. This will improve information exchange and gathering infinitely. This brain-computer thing is still in development and I'm just a test, so the doctors suggest I only spend a limited amount of time on it each day. That, and I'll be detained in the hospital for a time. Keep reading this blog for more updates from me!

It has been a few years now since Phoebe became the first person to be Psyborg, one who has a computer implanted into their brain. Still, most people have not undergone the operation. It is not cheap. One could buy a new house or go on vacation with the money it takes. Then it is also frightening that surgeons crack one's skull open, mess around with key nerves that connect the brain to the rest of the body, and then staple everything closed. Sources online say that less than or about nine percent of the world's population are Psyborgs now. Mostly younger folk that are “crazy.”
My parents are rich, so that is how I was able to afford the operation. Otherwise, I work at Blue Box in Roseville as a Nerd Herd technician fixing peoples' old computers, tablets, and things. I work in the back room since I prefer to work by plugging myself in directly. I find it easier to locate the problem when all the data is in my head. Most people still find it highly disturbing that humans can directly plug themselves into machines via usb cords. It looks like the old sci-fi movies where they have aliens or whatever all wired up in a giant test-tube. Ports typically are located at the base of the skull, right about where the hairline is so it is easy to cover it up if one so desires. That is where mine is. Though I show it off. Even though I'm a girl, I keep my blonde hair super short in a pixie cut.
This job takes care of living expenses and the rent of the mediocre apartment in Saint Paul. For all its “charms” I do love my apartment. It is no where near as nice as my parents' mini-mansion over in Eden Prarie. It's got the basics; one bed, one bath, kitchen and a room. It is not a living room or a den. More like, a large space where I have put my telly, a couch, and clothes that should someday migrate to the hamper. Or so I keep hoping.
My pride and joy is my custom built computer. Sure I'm a Psyb, but you can not play video games in your mind yet. Some developers have made some crude games. The best one right now is a reboot of a building game that was super popular back in 2010 or so. I am huge into the massively mutliplayer online game, Eden Lost. It's the biggest MMO right now and has won many awards. My closest friends play it with me. My gamename is AtomicApoc. It was supposed to be AtomicApocalypse, but that many characters is not allowed and then some nub took Apocalypse. Enough talking about the game though. I'm going to log in and play.

Welcome to Eden Lost. Latest notes on patch information can be found online at http://us.edenlost.net/en/