Wednesday, February 6, 2013

My attempt at writing pt. III

“Just come in. Door's unlocked.”
Deadsun opened the door and walked into my apartment.
“You ready?”
“I just have to put my shoes on and I'm good.”
“Your car or mine?”
“Doesn't matter.”
“Fine then, yours.”
That's one thing I like about Deadsun. I am sort of very indecisive. She has an opinion and will keep everything going. Thanks to her we do not waste much time trying to make a decision.
“Where to then, Eve? And is your sister coming?”
“I said burgers earlier, so the closest burger place. Dawn is in the middle of a 'super, really awesome book' and won't be coming.”
So Deadsun and I walked out of my apartment. I made sure the door was locked before we got on the elevator down to the garage. All the way from my apartment to the fast food joint was silent. Deadsun was staring out at some distant point with a small smile on her face. She was probably watching cats. I shook Deadsun out of her browsing reverie when we pulled into the parking lot. We went inside as quickly as possible. It was well below zero degrees and neither of us were dressed for the cold.
The place was dead. There were two employes there. I always feel bad for those graveyard shift people. I gave an apologetic look as Deadsun moved to the counter to place her order. I placed mine and then we sat down at a table.
“Ok Eve, you were quiet the entire ride.”
“I was talking with one of my friends.”
“So your fire sorceress was kicking ass tonight.”
“You're mean. You know you and E-three did way better. You play way more than us.”
“Not as much as some of the other people in the company.”
“Then have you heard Technomancer's new song?”
“Oh yes! Heroics. The tune is super catchy. I'll look it up, but some sources say he has a hidden message in the song.”
“What? Really?”
“Just a minute.”
Deadsun's eyes suddenly glazed over as she accessed her internet. I decided to steal a pickle out of her burger while she was not entirely focused.
“Ok, it says here that he revealed a part of his name by sampling a bit from an old movie's soundtrack.”
“Huh? Is there any official word? That's some wild guessing otherwise.”
“No official word. Technomancer is extremely secretive about his identity. He might be an alien.”
“Pfft. Dude's just way better than old electronic dance masters at not showing face.”
Deadsun came back to reality and started on her burger. I bit my lip and snickered.
“Oh hell, what did you do to my food?”
“Nothing,” I said in my most innocent voice.
“Seriously. I'm going to get mad.”
I busted out laughing and then scarfed down the rest of my food before she could act out on revenge. The rest of the time at the burger place was spent with idle gossip and making faces at each other.