This is a personal post. Though it does affect my works in a way. I don't know who or what I am some days. It seems my interests change every two days. A thing or topic enraptures me and I try to then base everything around it, but then the next thing comes along and I must pursue it as one pursues their soul mate. This may contradict all the effort I just put into the last passion or all the previous work will be abandoned.
Secondly, I can't even find a base to build my character around. One day I'm cute and childish, the next mischievous and outgoing, and after that I'm timid and reclusive. There is no one good word to describe me and the many facets of what could be considered my personality. I suppose it is easier to figure out what I'm not. I am not classy, strong, messy, or other adjectives. Sadly, the things I cannot be sometimes find themselves to be my interest. For example, I am into fancy parties one day, but I have no sense of what is refined or not.
I suppose what frustrates me the most is those conflicting interests. I blame this on the fact that my astrological sign is Gemini... Anyways, an easy way to say this is that I want my cake whole because it is pretty, but I also want to eat it too because it is delicious. I know the logical thing to do in this situation is take a picture of the cake and then eat it for the cake will not at its prime for either condition much longer than a week before it rots and whathaveyou. I will agonize over it, feel guilty about it, then completely move on as the next thing catches my fancy.
Perhaps one day I should go take some personality assessment tests. Perhaps someone telling me who I am will help. Unless that day I think myself a rebel.