Tuesday, September 25, 2012


Simply put, World of Warcraft Mists of Pandaria released today. I'm going to be playing that almost solid. Temporary hiatus.

Monday, September 24, 2012


 This is an illustration that was requested by a friend of mine. He wanted me to draw his Pokemon trainer along with his favorite Pokemon.
 He was rather vague with the details he wanted. It was along the lines of sharing some links of clothes and that he wanted a computer thingy on his arm. 

Wednesday, September 19, 2012


 This is my personal logo. I have developed my own brand rather early in my design career. It took quite a bit of cajoling from my professor and peers for me to adopt this one over my older version. The old logo can be found on the bottom of yesterday's image. There was an assignment for us to create a logo for ourselves. The professor knew I had an established logo I like already but pushed me to think of something new. So I went to my sketchbook at this logo actually was one of the later designs I came up with.

The reason behind the paperclips makes a whole heck of a lot of sense if one were to meet me in person. I have attached paperclips to most of my clothes and often wear a rainbow paperclip necklace that I made. The "JoFo" in this logo continues with the paperclip or one line feel.

Tuesday, September 18, 2012


So I made this joke invitation in Photoshop when I had extra time in class. I believe the card has a sort of Hot Topic feel to it. More than likely I took the invite into InDesign to work the text alignments out. This is also the second version. The first version only had two stars, but it felt sparse so I added more stars. My sense of humor is unique to me and it takes close friends to figure out why this is more funny than face value.

Monday, September 17, 2012

Ad series

 Another project I had in my Graphic Design class was to create an ad series. We had to make three ads that had a similar theme but could not use the exact same image for all three. I originally went with a cutesy animal zoo for kids and made completely original drawings in Illustrator for it. Perhaps someday I will upload those three here to this blog.

 Last minute I scrapped those for these three which I quickly did in Photoshop. I felt it was more clever and witty to reuse common sayings and turn them into puns. I challenged myself to not use dollars and stick only to metal currency for the puns. The images were used from Google image searches.

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Motion City Soundtrack

 This is a poster from a project I had in my intro to graphic design class. It was also about the third project our class had in Illustrator and Photoshop, so we were all still learning the tools. The assignment was to make a poster for a concert (real or fictitious) for a real band. I picked a real concert that I had attended. This was also my first concert ever. This poster was made entirely in Illustrator. I got inspiration for the design of the poster from the band's album My Dinosaur Life (picture below).

 I sincerely enjoyed this project a lot. I even put time into outside of class. I Tweeted it to the band and they re-Tweeted it back out. Justien Pierre, the lead guitarist and vocalist, said, "Nice!" As a fan girl, even this one syllable recognition is fantastic. 

Motion City Soundtrack - My Dinosaur Life

Tuesday, September 11, 2012


This image shows what I can make synthesizing old costumes. I took parts of the druid and steampunk costume to make this shaman one.

From the druid piece I took the legging/skirt and I used the vest, pants and belt from the steampunk outfit. The fur collar came off a winter coat that I own. All the jewelry came from garage sales or gifts.

Monday, September 10, 2012


 This is a picture of me wearing a dress that I made from a pattern that I bought at Wal*Mart. The dress is my first attempt at ever sewing something. Unfortunately, the dress is incomplete. The back still needs grommets attached and then embellishing lace around the collar and ends of the sleeves.

 My intention while completing the dress is to make it more like one of my designs (pictured below). I am reading many books and watching videos on how to become more of a proficient seamstress.

Sketched design

Wednesday, September 5, 2012


 This is me wearing a costume that I redesigned from the original inspiration. The original is the tier one druid, or "Cenarion Raiment," from the video game World of Warcraft. I picked out the fabrics and my step-aunt assembled and sew everything together.

 There were antlers that went with the costume. They were paper-mâché casts of real antlers. Unfortunately, every picture of me with them looks horrible and the antlers broke during one of my many moves.

Cenarion Raiment

Tuesday, September 4, 2012


CONvergence 2011
 This is an image of a costume I designed and assembled for a convention. The theme of the convention was Steampunk. Many of the articles in this piece were purchased in thrift stores. My friend Connor helped make the vest. He and I worked together on the goggles. The goggles were made from a belt, two jar lids, and clear package plastic.

 Parts of the costume have been recycled into newer costumes that will be displayed at a later date or upon completion. 

 I am the model in the costume. The photo was taken by Peter Verrant via his phone.

Sketched design for the above costume. 

Monday, September 3, 2012


 This image I made in Adobe Illustrator. I originally doodled the image on a corner of my sketchbook. I scanned it and made this picture in about an hour. My friend purchased this image to put on one of his joypads for gaming.