Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Motion City Soundtrack

 This is a poster from a project I had in my intro to graphic design class. It was also about the third project our class had in Illustrator and Photoshop, so we were all still learning the tools. The assignment was to make a poster for a concert (real or fictitious) for a real band. I picked a real concert that I had attended. This was also my first concert ever. This poster was made entirely in Illustrator. I got inspiration for the design of the poster from the band's album My Dinosaur Life (picture below).

 I sincerely enjoyed this project a lot. I even put time into outside of class. I Tweeted it to the band and they re-Tweeted it back out. Justien Pierre, the lead guitarist and vocalist, said, "Nice!" As a fan girl, even this one syllable recognition is fantastic. 

Motion City Soundtrack - My Dinosaur Life

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